GSON - JsonParser
It a parser to parse Json into a parse tree of JsonElements, The GSON's JsonParser class can parse a JSON string or stream into a tree structure of Java objects.
Creating a JsonParser
JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
Parsing JSON Into a Tree Structure
Once we created a JsonParser we can parse JSON into a tree
structure with it. Here is an example of parsing a JSON string
into a tree structure of GSON objects with the JsonParser:
JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); String json = "{ \"name\":\"Alex\",\"age\":29}"; JsonElement jsonTree = parser.parse(json);
The parsing of the JSON happens in the third line of code, by calling parse() on the JsonParser, passing as parameter a reference to the JSON string (or stream) to parse.
Iterating the JSON Tree Structure
The parsed JSON tree structure consists of objects from the GSON
API. The root of a JSON tree structure is a JsonElement object.
we can find out what type of JSON element it represents using
one of the type checking methods:
jsonTree.isJsonObject(); jsonTree.isJsonArray(); jsonTree.isJsonNull(); jsonTree.isJsonPrimitive();
Abocve JSON string parsed as a JSON object. Thus, we will
expect the JsonElement to represent a JSON object. Check this snippet:
if(jsonTree.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jsonObject = jsonTree.getAsJsonObject(); }
Once we have a JsonObject instance we can extract fields from
it using it's get() method. Here is an example:
JsonObject jsonObject = jsonTree.getAsJsonObject(); JsonElement name = jsonObject.get("name"); JsonElement age = jsonObject.get("age");
Complete Example of JsonParser
/** * @author */ package com.tutorialtous.gson; import; import; import; public class JSonParserExample { public static void main(String args[]) { String jsonstring = "{\"name\":\"Alex\",\"age\":29}"; JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonElement element = parser.parse(jsonstring); if (element.isJsonObject()) { JsonObject jsonobj = element.getAsJsonObject(); if (jsonobj.get("name") != null) { System.out.println(jsonobj.get("name").getAsString()); } if (jsonobj.get("age") != null) { System.out.println(jsonobj.get("age").getAsNumber()); } } } }
output:- Alex 29