Mongoose Update And Removal Operations with Examples
FileName: appupdate.js
var mongoose = require('mongoose'); var database = require('./database'); var users = require('./users'); var games = require('./games'); var loginsesion = require('./loginsession'); var gameplaylogs = require('./gameplaylogs'); var address = require('./address'); var Schema = mongoose.Schema; database.init(); var callback = function(err,data){ if(err) console.log(err); else console.log(data); } LoginsessionModel.update({sessionid:"sess123456"},{$inc:{totalbet:1000,totalwin:1250}}, function(err,log){console.log("update"+log); }); LoginsessionModel.find({},callback);
Run the appupdate.js
- open the command prompt or shell
- goto the path where the appupdate.js existed (like /home/meanapp/ or d:/meanapp)
- Now Run This command
node appupdate.js - If you observe the output totalbet and totalwin will be updated with 1000, 1250 initially it was 0.